My Cleaning Routine: Daily Organisation & Cleaning Motivation

I'm excited to share my daily cleaning routine with you all! Join me as I tidy up, keep track of it in Notion, and finally find the motivation to declutter and reorganize my pantry — something I've been meaning to do for quite some time 🤭. Additionally, I'll share some helpful tips for organizing your pantry. These insights will guide you through everything from clearing out the cupboards and categorizing food on the shelves to effectively managing your food inventory.

Clutter accumulation really triggers my anxiety, and to be honest, it turns me into a not-so-pleasant person to be around. I've learned that quick daily clean-ups suit me much better than letting mess pile up throughout the week only to deal with it on the weekend.

Creating a daily tidy-up checklist with my hubby has proven to be an excellent way for us to align our expectations. Since everyone has their unique perspective on what "clean" means, writing it out has been a GAME CHANGER for us, as opposed to expecting our partner to simply understand our needs and allowing passive-aggressive tension to build up.

I'm thrilled to share more intentional productivity and lifestyle tools with you! On my YouTube channel, I've compiled resources focused on mindful productivity and lifestyle strategies designed to help you create your most intentional life.🙋🏾‍♀️ Don’t hesitate to take a look!

Here’s how I organize my week using Google Calendar and monitor my goals, check out this video!


Celma Neto

I’m a radiographer, pro homebody and digital creator. I create video content focused on mindful productivity, intentional living and lifestyle tools to help people design their most intentional life.

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